Tuesday, April 24, 2018
Session Chair: Prof. Alex Galis, University College London, Great Britain
Keynote 1: Mobile: Enabling the Connection
Dr. Yuan-Kuang Tu, President of Northern Taiwan Business Group, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Taiwan
Biography: Dr. Yuan-Kuang Tu is the President of Northern Taiwan Business Group Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. from November 2017. Prior to the current position, he served as President of Mobile Business Group (Nov. 2016), Enterprise Business Group & International Business Group (March 2015), Northern Taiwan Business Group (March 2012), and Telecommunication Laboratories (TL) (May 2009). He had been with TL since 1981, served in various R&D and project management positions. His professional fields include photonics, optical communications, access networks, broadband networks, and network evolution architectures. Dr. Tu received his B.S., M.S. and Ph. D degrees in Electrical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1977, 1979, and 1988, respectively. He held 20 patents in Taiwan, and has published more than 60 technical papers in the journals of the fields of electronic devices and photonics. Currently he is a senior member of IEEE (Photonics & COM Soc.), Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE), Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE), Optical Engineering Society of ROC, and EDMA, and at the same time serving as Board Member of CIE, CIEE and EDMA. He was the General Co-Chair for APNOMS 2011.
Abstract: More than half of the world’s population now uses the internet, and an increasing share of online activity takes place on mobile. In this presentation the progress of mobile service in Taiwan will be elaborated. The mobile broadband penetration, user behaviors of social media and video streaming service, and their data consumption, will also be declared. How to fulfill consumer’s needs, the network deployments, new technologies applied, and the prospection of 5G in Chunghwa Telecom, will be presented.
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Keynote 2: Blockchains' Impact on Networking and Distributed Systems
Prof. Dr Burkhard Stiller, CSG@IfI, University of Zurich, Switzerland
Biography: Prof. Dr. Burkhard Stiller chairs the Communication Systems Group CSG, Department of Informatics IfI, University of Zürich UZH, Switzerland, since 2004. He hold previous research positions with the Telematics Institute, University of Karlsruhe, Germany, the Computer Laboratory, University of Cambridge, U.K., the Computer Engineering and Networks Laboratory, ETH Zurich, Switzerland, and the University of Federal Armed Forces, Munich, Germany, while conducting research stays at the University of California, Irvine, U.S.A., the University of Kansas, Lawrence, U.S.A., and NICTA, Sydney, Australia.
Since being with UZH, Burkhard coordinated various Swiss and European industrial and research projects, including BC4CC, SmoothIT, SmartenIT, SESERV, and Econ@Tel, besides participating in others, such as M3I, EMANICS, and FLAMINGO. Besides being a member of the editorial board of the IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management, Springer’s Journal of Network and Systems Management, and KICS’ Journal of Communications and Networks, Burkhard is Editor-in-Chief of Elsevier’s Computer Networks journal.
His main research interests are published in well over 250 research papers and include systems with a fully decentralized control (blockchains, clouds, peer-to-peer), network and service management (economic management), Internet-of-Things (security of constrained devices, LoRa), and telecommunication economics (charging and accounting).
Abstract: These days, blockchains are very often termed as "Blockchain Technology", however, they only denote an Abstract Data Type (ADT), which defines a linked list of data elements, each of which being linked by cryptographically constructed links. As quite usual in the IT landscape, any potentially successful idea will be emphasized by adding the Greek term "τεχνολογία" (technologia) - originally referring to "art" or "craft" - and assuming a fully loaded system with dedicated functionality being ready for deployment to solve a wider range of problems.
Thus, this keynote will shed light on the core characteristics of blockchains, while indicating the evolutionary approach undertaken. It will raise the awareness that certain disruptive effects becoming visible by applying blockchains for certain, suitable distributed applications (integrating underlying distributed systems mechanisms and algorithms, while initially applying restricted FinTech-related functionality in case of Bitcoin) happen in the application domain, but not yet in the core networking and computer science dimensions.
Clearly, that does not mean that all computer science-related problems are solved, since, e.g., blockchains' scalability in their public/permissionless instance, open blockchain APIs, or less energy-hungry consensus algorithms - without giving up or loosening these core blockchain characteristics - await constructive responses.
Thus, although the impact of blockchains on networking and distributed systems is measurable, the advanced deployment of Smart Contracts, forming a Turing-complete programming environment, shakes much harder the set of digitized stakeholders' operations in industry, government, and society.
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Wednesday, April 25, 2018
Session Chair: Dr. Yu-Huang Chu, Chunghwa Telecom Labs, Taiwan
Keynote 3: Digital Service Enabler – toward the 5G era
Dr. R. S. Lin - President of Chunghwa Telecom Labs, Taiwan
Biography: Dr. Rong-Syh Lin is the President of Telecommunication Laboratories, Chunghwa Telecom Co., Ltd. Dr. Lin joined Chunghwa Telecom (CHT) in 1989 as a researcher in Information Technology Lab. of Telecommunication Laboratories (TL). In 2006, he was appointed as Managing Director of Network Support Lab. of TL. From 2010 to 2017, he held a variety of key positions in CHT, such as the vice president of Information Technology Department, Cyber Security Department, Enterprise Business Group, and Telecommunication Laboratories. His areas of expertise are centered around Information & Communication Technologies, Telecom BSS/OSS, IT Service Management, Cyber Security, Internet of Things (IoT) and Project Management. Dr. Lin received the Distinguished Engineer Award of Chinese Institute of Engineers in 2013. He was also awarded the National Management Excellence Award of Chinese Professional Management Association in 2014, and the CHT Top 10 Best Employees in 2016. Dr. Lin received his M.S. degree in Computer Science from the National Tsing Hua University and Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from the National Chiao Tung University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, in 1989 and 1998, respectively
Abstract: There are many technologies that have shaped the world so far, however, new technologies are still booming. In the era of digital world, a digital service is held together by the underpinning technology, software, platform, network, and computing infrastructure. This presentation will introduce what and how Chunghwa Telecom (CHT), as a digital service enabler, provide the important ingredients that a digital service needs. Digital service components including ubiquitous and reliable communication, cloud computing infrastructures, IOT/video/payment platform and ecosystem for digital services targeting at different segments like enterprise, public society, home, and individual consumer will be mentioned. The speaker will also describe challenges and opportunities of facing new emerging technology like 5G, SDN/NFV, Software Defined Data Center, AI, Big Data, Security…etc. Finally, case studies for holding all these components together to form innovative digital services will be illustrated.
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Keynote 4: “Ongoing transformations in transport networks: how making all them work”
Mr. Luis M. Contreras – Telefonica Spain,
Biography: Luis M. CONTRERAS earned a Telecom Engineer degree at the Universidad Politécnica of Madrid (1997), and holds an M. Sc. on Telematics from the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid (2010). Since August 2011 he is part of Telefónica I+D / Telefónica Global CTIO unit, working on SDN, virtualization, transport networks and their interaction with cloud and distributed services, as well as on interconnection topics. He is as well part-time lecturer at the Universidad Carlos III of Madrid. Before the position in Telefónica he worked for the Alcatel and Orange. He is actively involved in research and innovation activities, with 50+ papers published in relevant journals, magazines and conferences, being regular speaker at reputed academic and industrial events. He has participated on the projects funded by the EU GEYSERS (FP7), XIFI (FI-PPP) and 5G-Crosshaul (H2020), and the ESA funded project CloudSat. Currently he is working on the EU projects 5GEx, 5G-TRANSFORMER and NECOS. On the standardization arena, he is active contributor to IETF (authoring two RFCs), ETSI NFV, ETSI MEC and ONF, where he organized and coordinated the first-ever proof-of-concept on the application of SDN to wireless transport networks, hold in October 2015 on 5TONIC lab premises.
Abstract: Existing carrier networks are in phase of transformation driven by two main situations: (i) the incremental softwarization of networks, with the advent of SDN and NFV; and (ii) the challenges imposed by the forthcoming 5G services and the associated requirements. All these transformations are happening at not only the same time but also showing dependencies and strong relationship among them, acting as enablers or justification ones of the others. Defining a clear and comprehensive transformation plan is not trivial, and inconsistencies in such definition can affect the complete transformation. This presentation presents the perspective from Telefonica on the intersection of SDN, NFV and 5G, prospecting how ongoing transformation can fit altogether building on top of existing networks. Some initiatives and results coming from innovation activities (both internal and external) will be presented as complementary approach for supporting the definition of the transformation strategy and validating it.
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Thursday, April 26, 2018
Session Chair: Prof. Young-Tak Kim, Yeungnam University, Korea
Keynote 5: “OSS Vision for Zero-Touch 5G Network Management”
Mr. Jong-Kwan Park - Senior Vice President, Head of Network Technology R&D Center, SK Telecom
Biography: As Head of Network Technology R&D Center, Mr. Park is responsible for the research and development of ICT and Network related technology at SK Telecom. He is leading the development of LTE-A, 5G networks and devices, next generation OSS, virtualization, connected car, and quantum cryptography communication technology. He joined SK Telecom in 1997 and has been working as the mobile core network and service specialist for more than 20 years. As leader of Core Network Lab since 2012, he had successfully completed the LTE & LTE-A deployment in South Korea. He also has led the world’s first HD Voice (VoLTE), VoLTE roaming, and NFV commercialization. He received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees in Electrical Engineering from Yonsei University in South Korea.
Abstract: The 5G will be the first real converged networks supporting a plethora of different services with their own requirements. So, previous static, best-effort approach will be no longer sufficient for extreme flexible and dynamical requirements within dramatically reduced costs. The only way that these difficult goals can be achieved is with vastly increased automation in management and operation of 5G networks. In this keynote, key technologies and insights for building future OSS will be discussed that enables agile, efficient, and qualitative management and automation for 5G. The first part of this talk, 5G architectures will be introduced to accept wide range of 5G requirements, including high speed, imperceptive latency, massive connectivity and personalized services. In addition, we will share SK telecom’s next generation OSS called TANGO as a journey for future OSS. Finally, vision and consideration for future OSS will be delivered toward proactive operation, zero-touch optimization and sophisticated customer experience management.
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Keynote 6: What do we actually manage in 5G? And what is missing?
Dr. Sven van der Meer, NM-Lab, Ericsson
Biography: Sven received his M.Sc. and PhD from Technical University Berlin in 1996 and 2002. After working for two decades in basic and applied research (Fraunhofer FOKUS, WIT/TSSG), he joined Ericsson in 2011. Here he works as a team leader in the Ericsson Network Management Lab. His main focus is how to tame management complexity, from theory to execution. This work involves research prototype development, deployment in customer networks, and landing successful solutions in the Ericsson OSS products. Topics range from automation to control loops, policy-based management and artificial intelligence. Sven contributes to the wider network management community in research (TPC of IM, NOMS, CNSM and others), standardization (IETF, MEF), and open source (LF, ONAP).
Abstract: We are at the crossroads of yet another technology shift. Networks evolved continuously from TDM to IP, legacy to SDN, PNF to VNF as part of virtualization and now microservices/containers/K8s. All these technologies play a vital role in the evolution of 5G and the future networks will deliver services to many vertical industries. Distributed cloud is key to deliver services that require low latency and high bandwidth. Orchestration and adaptive Policy decisions will be key for automation in 5G networks. In this keynote, we will discuss the requirements and challenges for managing this – massive scale, dynamic, and complex – new environment. We will see what efforts are underway and planned for 5 G management, including open source initiatives such as ONAP. Finally, we will explore what is missing today to tame the 5G management complexity.
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